Sunday 17 July 2011


What do we think truth is ? Do we ask questions. And are the answers we receive are truth? truth from ourselves or others ? The question is... is it our truth ? I want us to think about our own mind and it's capacity to give us answers we need. First we need to find an goal for that we ask for an outcome. Which that we want in achieving. Is it a sense of clarity we wish to feel in a situation or a process to understand all which we are currently involved. You will find, the more one questions, there deeper and further they will go. And for each reason and the evolutionary value, we will encounter many moments of static questionings for all that we seem to receive in our circumstance.

The fact is, no one can be more honest to us than ourselves. The truth we hear about, are facts and beliefs shared and agreed to be acceptable for majority of populations. According to priorities, majority of our populations may never ask about truth, mere living contempt base on their own truth unless greater circumstances force them to change their set point of view. And do we want standard majority's conceptual truth? Or is it something deeper within ourselves we seek to answer? That, are the questions we got to ask ourselves. Are we happy to tag ourselves along with the informations already given to us by the mass, and have those truth got anything to offer, for our self searching ? From my own experience, it will satisfy us to the degree of references to anchor our further research, yet it's impersonal nature will not always serve our individual process of understanding ourselves to the sense of completeness.

So How do we find our own truth? My suggestion is, do everything to find what you want to know about your quest and do nothing about how you will act on what you are not certain. Unless what you found from external sources resonate with the inner knowing of your own. Keep asking, and keep observing the universe. Watch the images, scenarios, thought and messages you receive. The thing about truth is... everyone has his or her own version. they are all individually right, There is no absolute, and not one speaks for all. Yet if your goal is truth, then you must dwelt as deep as you can to your own consciousness. And you will find the stream of infinite supply, for your bottomless truth. whichever way you look, up or down, sideways or all around. It's all yours to gather.

There is a tenancy I fond, when I find some form of inner truth, I want to share with others, to convince, to gather evidence or witness of some sort... And not always I receive an agreement. Yet the very action of such process speaks an active doubt about my own strength in understanding my own truth. My own truth is lacking conviction in me. It can often lead to confusion and contradictions. The acceptance of our own truth will ultimately secure our own growth on our own journeys. And when we do so, we sometimes experience confirmation of some sorts, a harmonic occurring which universe seems to orchestrate as a reward to our vision . Everything speaks and shows us all what our own truth is. All we need to do is sit by our inner shore, listen and wait for the tide to return with the waves to wash overs, cleanse us with the infinite knowledge that echo our ancient origin.

Being a human it left us in a vulnerable and fragile perspective, as we feel powerless and small in our awareness we live in a world of external realties we seem unable to change. Yet the inner source of who we are is always present, a powerful calling which we may often ignore, out of our belief we held on so strongly and intently, but when we want the truth, we have to be the ones making the active connections, to want to know, to want the responsibility of what we know, is a start. trust yourself.

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